Of the hundreds of remote communities in Canada, 218 are reliant on diesel while only 18 use sustainable energy sources. A source of power that is often overlooked is wind power. Microgeneration wind power can power small homes off-grid while increasing power generated and reducing electricity costs. The AnorraTM is designed to withstand the harsh Canadian climate of the north to up to -50°C.
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Stop Relying on Diesel.

The AnorraTM wind turbine is the perfect substitute for diesel generators in Northern Communities, as it is able to withstand some of the harshest weather conditions on earth and is capable of operating in -50 degree temperatures.
Reduce Your Costs.

The AnorraTM wind turbine is the perfect substitute for diesel generators in Northern Communities, as it is able to withstand some of the harshest weather conditions on earth and is capable of operating in -50 degree temperatures.
Stop the Blackouts.

Due to the nature Northern Communities being located in remote areas they are highly susceptible to electrical blackouts from weather events causing damage to electrical lines. By utilizing the AnorraTM you can rest assured that even in the event of a blackout you will still have access to electricity.

Discover How Wind Can Power Your Community Diesel-Free
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