BC Hydro's $3 billion investment in upgrades and expansion over the next decade
British Columbia power provider announced plans to expand the electricity grid on Vancouver Island. This plan reflects the increasing demand for electricity due to population growth, housing construction, and the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. These capital projects, worth $3 billion, will ensure there is enough clean and affordable energy to power homes and the economy. The projects include upgrades and replacing old transmission cables to power 100,000 more homes in a few areas. At this point in time, the impact on electricity prices is unknown.
With the ongoing demand for clean and renewable energy, provincial power providers are starting huge and expensive projects to produce enough clean and renewable energy for everyone. Invest in clean energy alternatives to power your own home, reduce your dependency on the electrical grid, and be a part of this transition to renewable energy. Borrum Energy Solutions offers home energy generation solutions; the Anorra wind turbines provide renewable and clean energy. Providing a shield against ongoing electricity price increases.