Calgary Construction Industry Interested in Clean Tech

The construction industry has a substantial environmental impact because of cement, the main ingredient in concrete. Cement is one of the world’s largest CO2 emitters, responsible for 8% of carbon emissions globally. The head of the Calgary Construction Association recognizes this and welcomes any innovations that allow Calgary to build while reducing emissions. However, there is one problem, building owners.

To implement clean technologies into construction projects, building owners must specify that they want higher environmental performance or net-zero construction. Bill Black, CEO of the Calgary Construction Association, said “I think the mindset needs to change. Stop worrying about how much it will cost you to do carbon-neutral buildings, and start studying what it would cost you if you don't."

A company in Calgary, called Carbon Upcycling Technologies, creates low-carbon cement by capturing carbon and mixing it with waste byproduct from the steel, mining, and energy sectors. Their goal is to reduce carbon emissions by providing a high performance, cost-competitive, available, and local product. Clean technologies like these are the exact thing that the construction association is interested in, Black says it is proof of the type of projects that can succeed in Calgary.

Borrum Energy Solutions also produces a high performance, cost-competitive, available, and local product. Our microgeneration wind turbines and towers provide individuals living in rural dwellings an opportunity to reduce propane and diesel costs, CO2 emissions, and dependence on the electrical grid.

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