Global Temperatures Set to Reach Records
According to the UK Met Office, next year will be one of the hottest on record, with global average temperatures expected to be about 1.2 degrees Celsius higher than they were before humans began to drive climate change. If correct, it would be the tenth year in a row that global average temperatures have risen by at least 1 degree Celsius above pre-industrial levels, as measured from 1850 to 1900.
The current hottest year in records dating back to 1850 is 2016, a year marked by a 'El Nio' climate pattern in the Pacific, which raises global temperatures in addition to global warming trends.
"Without a preceding El Nio to boost global temperature, 2023 may not be a record-breaking year, but with the background increase in global greenhouse gas emissions continuing apace, next year is likely to be another notable year in the series," said Prof Adam Scaife, head of long-term predictions at the Met Office.
"The global temperature over the last three years has been influenced by the effect of a prolonged La Nina - cooler than average sea-surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific," said Dr Nick Dunstone of the Met Office, who led the 2023 global temperature forecast.
The climate model predicts that the three years of La Nina will end next year, with a return to relative warmer conditions in parts of the tropical Pacific. This shift is likely to result in a warmer global temperature in 2023 than in 2022. This is another sign that wind energy is a great option to help decarbonize our planet.