Off-grid living More Popular in Canada due to Pandemic
Throughout the pandemic that has drawn over the past few years, Canadians have all experienced some sort of a limited lifestyle. Whether it has been restrictions on travel, events, or even public gatherings, these are all factors that can make someone feel restrained or even trapped. This has caused a growing interest in living off the grid, which can give the sense of freedom that many Canadians are searching for, as big-city environments are beginning to seem less desirable.
The growth of interest in off-grid living can be seen in rising real estate prices. According to The Globe and Mail, several cabins in Ferguson, BC for example have skyrocketed in price starting at a few hundred dollars and rising to as much as $20,000. This is happening all over Canada as demand is being driven by residents from big cities in BC, Alberta, and Ontario.
Although moving off-grid is becoming more desirable, there are still tradeoffs. Buying an off-grid home may be cheap but maintaining and living there is not. As mentioned in the referenced article, living off the grid is a lot of work, there is no city water or electricity, residents must be 100% self-sufficient.
For those who wish to have electricity in their off-grid homes, many may rely on diesel/gas burning generators, which is not only costly but also bad for the environment. Borrum Energy Solutions can help off-grid homeowners power their homes, while also reducing the amount of fossil fuels needed. Microgeneration wind turbines designed by Borrum Energy Solutions gives homeowners the ability to turn the wind into electricity with ease.
Sources Used:
The Globe and Mail