Expected Rise In Wind Power As Canada Approaches Net Zero By 2050

A new report by Canada’s energy regulator outlines the expected shifts in energy consumption under different scenarios as Canada moves towards net zero emissions by 2050. Wind energy development is projected to rise ninefold, under the assumption that the world takes certain measures to ensure that global warming does not exceed a 1.5 degrees Celsius increase by 2050. Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia are the provinces where we would see the most amount of new wind energy development projects.

There has been a decrease in wind energy generation costs over the past few years. Fortunately, it is expected that it will be easier to get public acceptance of wind energy development in places where the construction will come from offshore wind. However, there are still challenges that must be faced with wind turbine construction in places with nearby communities.

In comparison to wind energy development, solar power development will increase at a slower rate, making up 5% of energy generation. Nuclear power development will increase in Ontario, as nuclear power already plays a significant role in the electricity system. According to the report, there will be a 65% decrease in fossil fuel use under the global net-zero scenario. From 2021 to 2050, total energy use is expected to fall by 22% as we switch from fossil fuels to electricity.

As there is a rising trend towards adopting clean energy, it is beneficial that we adopt wind energy production. Wind energy costs have decreased over the past few years, making wind energy development more affordable than ever before. The Anorra Turbines and Towers can help home, cottage or tiny homeowners reduce their carbon footprint and help protect the environment.

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