Why Go Zero-Waste? For a Better Future.

What does living zero-waste mean?

The purpose of living zero-waste is to consume resources in such a way that you contribute no waste to landfills, incinerators, or the ocean. This idea includes every aspect of life, from grocery shopping to clothing. It means taking reusable containers and bags with you while shopping in bulk for only the things you need. It means purchasing clothes from ethical and sustainable brands. 

In addition, it means being conscious of where the waste you produce does go. For example, using a recycling program, or composting with your municipality or in your backyard. There is absolutely no use of single-use plastics in a zero-waste lifestyle. For most, transitioning to a zero-waste lifestyle requires a shift in mindset and every aspect of their lives. 

Why is it Important? 

Living zero-waste through reducing, reusing, and recycling could lower our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by up to 42%. That is a significant reduction in yearly GHG production and could assist in the fight against climate change tremendously. 

From a more personal perspective, each individual produces about 4.38lbs of waste every day. A family of four, that's around 17lbs each day or a total of 6200lbs per year.

Living zero-waste helps our land, air, water, and future. Reducing the amount of GHG and waste produced leads to a more sustainable economy and a brighter future for the coming generations. However, all of this starts with the individual consumer... you. 

How do I Get Started? 

A good place to start is evaluating what produces waste in your household. Maybe it's an overuse of paper towels, maybe it's plastic bags, or maybe it's toothbrushes. Once you determine what's in your household waste, you can tackle breaking the cycle. 

The most fundamental concept is to reduce, reuse, recycle. Reduce your consumption by only buying something if you really need it. Make sure whatever you buy can be reused for years to come. Finally, at the end of its life-cycle, make sure it can be recycled or composted.

As an example, let's evaluate a washroom. A normal washroom will host plastic toothbrushes, shower essentials in plastic containers, cotton pads, cotton swabs, and makeup. To transition into a zero-waste washroom, replace these items (once they run out of course) with bamboo toothbrushes which can be composted at the end of their time; refillable or unpackaged shower essentials; reusable face pads that can be made or purchased; bamboo or reusable cotton swabs; and finally, ethically and sustainably produced and packaged makeup

Keep in mind that this transition need not happen all at once. A slow transition, step-by-step, is better than continuing to contribute to the perpetual waste of modern consumerism. 

Tag us in your Instagram stories about transitioning to zero-waste living with @borrum_energy_solutions! 


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