BES’s New Generation Website
If you are a returning user, you might have already noticed the exciting news we are announcing. BES has worked countless hours in the last few months researching and redesigning to finally update our website. We are delighted to officially announce that our new website has been finally launched.
As a leader in innovation and design, we felt that it is necessary and important for that to be reflected on our online platform. BES wants to ensure that the website is easy to navigate and user friendly. Our goal is to provide both returning and new users with a clear understanding of our company and more importantly The Anorra. The new website gives users improved access to who we are, what we do, how we work, and more.
The biggest update to our site features is creating customer categories so you can easily identify where you fit and how we can help solve your electricity issues.
For any questions, comments, or feedback, send us an email at